Therapy services for $15/session or less available from graduate interns. In Portland, contact
William Temple House 503-226-3021
PSU Counseling Clinic 503-725-4620
Lewis & Clark Community Counseling Center 503-768-6320
Call to Safety (Pdx) 24/7: 503-235-5333
Safe Choice (Clark Co.) 24/7: 360-695-0501
National DV Hotline: 1-800-799-7233
Urgent Or Emergency:
1. If you believe you are not able to keep yourself safe right now, it's an emergency. Don't overthink it: Call 911, or go now to the nearest ER.
2. If you are able to keep yourself safe from harm, but need immediate support:
(a) CALL (not text) your safe person/emergency contact.
(b) CALL (not text) 988 (24/7).
(c) Buy yourself some time: Go somewhere (library, Starbucks, popular park) // use a distraction technique // jump in a cold shower. Then, reassess.
(d) Go to a walk-in crisis clinic (check hours). Portland area: Cascadia (SE Pdx)-503-963-2575 / Hawthorn (Hillsboro)-503-846-4555